random thoughts?

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Islandflyer » Tue Nov 15, 2016 3:03 am

I spent a few years in France, and Marine Le Pen is someone that people should be afraid of. I hope she won't become president.[/quote]

The New York Times has an article about just that prospect, Karine. Trump may have unleashed a global revolution of the discontented, who, in their anger, often tend to vote against their own best interests, as they have now done in the U.S.

http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/12/world ... e-pen.html

Among the things Mr. Trump has pledged to undo, with massive support among his voters, is "Obamacare", the first serious attempt in the U.S. to extend healthcare to everyone. This will have the most impact on those who need it the most- who likely are the same ones who voted for him. He was right about the relevance of "Brexit" here, and like that consequential vote, most supporters of it didn't understand what they were voting for. The Law of Unintended Consequences is always lurking beneath....

Quincy- yes, McCarthy went into a tailspin after that, but the forces he unleashed lasted for many years afterwards, and countless lives were ruined because of suspicion and mistrust that he helped make acceptable. Now we have such a purveyor of hate at the top, and few have more influence on people's behavior than the head of government. It looks like a dark time ahead.

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Tue Nov 15, 2016 1:37 pm

I read the article and noticed this:
In France, voters on the left and right routinely join in the final round of voting, to form what is called a “republican front” to defeat the candidate of the far right.

Experts suggested on Friday that similar logic might operate next year, and that Ms. Le Pen is no Mr. Trump.

“Le Pen is the candidate of a party that is on the margins of the system,” said Jean-Yves Camus, an expert on Europe’s far-right parties. “Donald Trump was the candidate of the Republican Party. He had resources that were not comparable to hers.”
Maybe this will change next year. Le Pen doesn't seem "as bad" as Trump: no sex scandals, no corruption scandals, no bankruptcy stories, etc.

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:48 pm

Just when I have dissertations to mark, an article to write, and other work to do... I'm starting to feel sick. It's probably just a cold, but it sucks. :?

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Islandflyer » Tue Dec 13, 2016 7:09 am

Karine wrote:Just when I have dissertations to mark, an article to write, and other work to do... I'm starting to feel sick. It's probably just a cold, but it sucks. :?
Have some chicken soup and get some rest. Just like your mother told you when you were a kid, Karine! :D

Hang in there, you'll be OK. Tell your cold to "return to sender". :mrgreen:

Happy Holidays! :)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Tue Dec 13, 2016 7:15 pm

Thanks! At least it doesn't stop me from marking dissertations! :)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Sat Dec 24, 2016 9:00 pm

Merry Christmas! :D

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by TheSquirrel » Mon Dec 26, 2016 11:53 pm

Yep, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Karine, Island Flyer, Ellie and the few regulars still around.
I'm an opinionated old tosser and proud of it.

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Islandflyer » Tue Dec 27, 2016 1:03 am

TheSquirrel wrote:Yep, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Karine, Island Flyer, Ellie and the few regulars still around.
A belated Merry Christmas to you too, "Old Tosser" HaHa! Talk to us, Ellen! I know you're there. ;)

It's still the "observed" holiday in the U.S., so it's not completely belated. :mrgreen:

Happy New Year all!

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Sat Dec 31, 2016 9:45 pm

Happy New Year! I wish you the best for 2017: happiness and health! :D

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Islandflyer » Sun Jan 01, 2017 6:38 am

Almost there! Just a half hour to go here in Mountain Time! Happy new Year! :D

I haven't seen this picture before . Where does it come from?


Best wishes all!


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