random thoughts?

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Quincy » Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:53 pm

All I can say is, live life for today! Plan for tomorrow by all means, but that's all it will be, a plan. I've had an absolute shit 18 months in so, so many ways. I think I can now see a big light at the end of a big tunnel and life is now for living. Don't leave 'till tomorrow what you can do today. Some bastard out there will be happy to change your plans if they can see a gain for them. Don't let them. Kick, fight, scream and do whatever you have to do and move forward. Keep tomorrows plan in plain sight.


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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Empirejim » Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:48 pm

Wow Q, I hope everything is okay by the time you see this note. Certainly days are always better as life brings good and yes, bad moments. We all will overcome them with a strong and willing heart. The power is in the mind and all our minds are in the good direction. Go forward in your positive sense and you Will see the true light. I hope you see the message. :)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Jessel » Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:10 am

Nice to see you here again Quince! I hope everything's okay. Ditto at your statement! I myself have been going through what I'd call a "premature mid-life crisis" for the past 3 years or so. I don't know what it is but it sure have most of the symptoms: regret, self-doubt, anxiety, insecurity, an intense yearning to fell younger again, etc. I'm pretty sure I'm at the final stages of that "phase" as I can bring myself to laugh when I look back at those times even though it ain't no laughing matter back then. When we worry too much about the future, we simply forget to live. As the song goes:

Start by admitting from cradle to tomb
Isn't that long a stay
Life is a cabaret, old chum...

End of rant. :p
One little leaf adrift in the breeze, refuses to fall from the sky
Blown by the wind it clings to the tree, unwilling to wither and die...

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Empirejim » Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:21 pm

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you on this board. I wish you all happiness and a good healthy life. We all remember the good times during this period in the season and why not wish it for the whole year. I know, there will be moments that could be difficult, but with the right attitude and frame of mind, we can overcome just about all that is thrown our way. Peace on earth, remember, is a big meaning for all of us. Do not take your gift of life so lightly. We all have that so-called mission in life. It is to be in harmony with our neighbors and give and you shall receive on that big picture in life. May you all find what you seek and be happy with what you have. All the best for this season's end and be good. :)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:25 am

I wish you a very happy Christmas too! :)
I'll be leaving tomorrow to join my sister in England, so we can celebrate New Year's Eve together... I can't wait!!! :D

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:44 pm

I'm having a bit of a hard time these days. I'll try to explain it with my forever-bad English!

This morning, I had "the" talk with my boyfriend and I told him that it was over. Our relation was really complicated: we met in 2008 in France and in August 2010, he flight back to his native country to get a job in his field of study so he could apply for canadien immigration. In 2011, he sent his form to the Canadian office in charge of people from his country and at the beginning of 2012, he received his acknowledgment of receipt. Since then, we didn't get any news from the immigration office.
I'm doing my PhD, he's working as a teacher and we never had the possibility to be together since he left: visa, plane tickets...: it's complicated, expensive and we don't have time to travel for many weeks.
Everything was going well for the first 2 years (I can be very patient!), but the last 5-6 months were really tough. Our conversations on Skype became less frequent and we began suffering the inevitable effects of time and distance. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about breaking up with him and today, I decided to tell him.
He told me he felt that we were not as close as we used to be, but still, he was shocked, sad and a bit angry at me.
We will talk about it again soon, so after the shock, he will be able to share his thoughts with me.
It's weird, like if our conversation was unreal... I think reality will hit me in the next few days.

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by TheSquirrel » Tue Feb 05, 2013 3:38 am

Karine wrote:I'm having a bit of a hard time these days. I'll try to explain it with my forever-bad English!

This morning, I had "the" talk with my boyfriend and I told him that it was over. Our relation was really complicated: we met in 2008 in France and in August 2010, he flight back to his native country to get a job in his field of study so he could apply for canadien immigration. In 2011, he sent his form to the Canadian office in charge of people from his country and at the beginning of 2012, he received his acknowledgment of receipt. Since then, we didn't get any news from the immigration office.
I'm doing my PhD, he's working as a teacher and we never had the possibility to be together since he left: visa, plane tickets...: it's complicated, expensive and we don't have time to travel for many weeks.
Everything was going well for the first 2 years (I can be very patient!), but the last 5-6 months were really tough. Our conversations on Skype became less frequent and we began suffering the inevitable effects of time and distance. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about breaking up with him and today, I decided to tell him.
He told me he felt that we were not as close as we used to be, but still, he was shocked, sad and a bit angry at me.
We will talk about it again soon, so after the shock, he will be able to share his thoughts with me.
It's weird, like if our conversation was unreal... I think reality will hit me in the next few days.
Hmmm....well better that, than the whirlwind romance, marriage, pregnancy, then break up, all in a few months. Relationships sometimes are a habit, and it's hard to break that habit because it's what you know, and it acts as a safety net. Sometimes it's good to have the relationship tested, better sooner than later. In the end if you don't feel it you don't feel it.

It took me a long time to find my partner, but we've been together 20 years. It's like circumstances never gave you a chance, but maybe they provided the test you needed. Even so, it's hard when a break up happens, so I wish you both luck with the rest of your lives. I think when you find it you'll know. Just make sure it's a good'un. You're both going to feel out there on your own in a big world for a while.

It is maybe hard to believe that a cynical bitter twisted negative person like myself, found a soul mate, but I did. Negatives are supposed to attract, but she's just as cynical bitter twisted and negative as I am.
I'm an opinionated old tosser and proud of it.

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:21 am

TheSquirrel wrote:In the end if you don't feel it you don't feel it.
You're right, you sum up everything.

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by TheSquirrel » Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:37 am

Some unrelated drivel for anyone passing by. Tonight I probably looked as though I had taken leave of my senses at the poker table. A complete grind for six hours and no reward. I started saying "tweet tweet" and "gobble gobble" and looked like I was going insane due to being card dead. I probably am insane, but at least I have a reason.

Recently I reared a young blackbird of only a few days old, after it's nest had been predated, and released it after five weeks. There was a bang on my back door at around 2am and there it was sitting. I don't know how it got there because it could hardly fly. Neighbours found several dead young blackbirds around the area. My partner and I kept saying "tweet tweet" to it. It walked all over the place and sounded as though it was answering us. It sang along to Lana Del Rey, and Emily Sande, and even got used to Rush. From it's tweets it sounded like it was asking questions about everything it found in the room. On day of release it sat on the chair beside me even though I had opened the door. It closed it's eyes on occasions, then opened them and sat there looking at me. Finally after an hour or two it hopped along the floor and flew into the garden. Success. It seems to have adapted well.

My partner said no matter how bad things are at the poker table, don't forget the tweet, because sitting there with it on its day of release, as though it was saying goodbye to us, was a very special experience, and that's what life is all about. For the final week or two, it looked as though it was getting too tame and too attached to me, as it used to follow me about the place and that wasn't good. The whole point was to raise it so it could be released into the wild, where it belongs. A success. Sometimes life is good - although mostly it isn't!
I'm an opinionated old tosser and proud of it.

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:30 am

TheSquirrel wrote:Some unrelated drivel for anyone passing by. Tonight I probably looked as though I had taken leave of my senses at the poker table. A complete grind for six hours and no reward. I started saying "tweet tweet" and "gobble gobble" and looked like I was going insane due to being card dead. I probably am insane, but at least I have a reason.

Recently I reared a young blackbird of only a few days old, after it's nest had been predated, and released it after five weeks. There was a bang on my back door at around 2am and there it was sitting. I don't know how it got there because it could hardly fly. Neighbours found several dead young blackbirds around the area. My partner and I kept saying "tweet tweet" to it. It walked all over the place and sounded as though it was answering us. It sang along to Lana Del Rey, and Emily Sande, and even got used to Rush. From it's tweets it sounded like it was asking questions about everything it found in the room. On day of release it sat on the chair beside me even though I had opened the door. It closed it's eyes on occasions, then opened them and sat there looking at me. Finally after an hour or two it hopped along the floor and flew into the garden. Success. It seems to have adapted well.

My partner said no matter how bad things are at the poker table, don't forget the tweet, because sitting there with it on its day of release, as though it was saying goodbye to us, was a very special experience, and that's what life is all about. For the final week or two, it looked as though it was getting too tame and too attached to me, as it used to follow me about the place and that wasn't good. The whole point was to raise it so it could be released into the wild, where it belongs. A success. Sometimes life is good - although mostly it isn't!
It was a lucky little bird :)

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