I'm from NYC and going to my first Lilith next week in Philadelphia (actually Camden, NJ).. It was a 'last minute' decision and I'm excited it's only a week away, should be a great show.
Hope you enjoy the board!
I just adore Montréal... I've tried a few different times to go live up there but it never seems to work out. I traveled up there when I was 16 and fell in love right away. I'd love to find a job and move up there. Thanks for the welcome!Empirejim wrote:Bonjours et bienvenue Erica. I'm up here in Montreal and welcome you and hope you have a great time here on this board. Like one big family, we will entertain and exchange our experiences in the nicest way. You will see that we have the world covered with many interesting people and never a dull moment.
Thanks Miguel for the welcome. I'm sure the show won't disappoint. Which other singers will be there?Miguel wrote:It was a 'last minute' decision and I'm excited it's only a week away, should be a great show.
Merci Karine, c'est gentil de ta part. Je compte bien m'amuser ici, tout le monde a l'air bien sympa!!Karine wrote:Je suis de Montréal, j'espère que tu passeras du bon temps avec nous sur le forum!
Good for you! I'm sure you'll have a great time thenKaleysuncle wrote:I've been fortunate to only have 2-3 required classes this year, English 12 and Gov't/Economics. If I could've graduated early I would've went for it. So I'm lucky that it won't be that stressful for me. I plan on just enjoying myself.
Indeed, this board is awesome!Ellie wrote:Hi Erica! Welcome to the board, I'm glad to see you're already enjoying it here!