random thoughts?

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by jessiemonkey » Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:15 am

okay guys.. i need your help.. relationship wise. and love loss.

my boyfriend of almost a year, --i know its not that long, but still alot of feelings happened in that time.

anyway,, he broke up with me today :( i kind of knew it was gonna happen eventually because it was just real awkward between us the last 2 months. he said it was just because it wasnt working out. but oh well.. lol

so i need some positive thoughts!!! :D

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Kaleysuncle » Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:30 am

I'm really sorry to hear that Jess. <3

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Miguel » Sat Jun 05, 2010 1:04 am

Sorry about your breakup =( Isn't it awful when guys don't talk about the relationships instead of breaking up with someone.. haven't they heard of conversation? MEN!! :? hope you feel better soon
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Re: random thoughts?

Post by biancadantas » Sat Jun 05, 2010 2:27 am

I'm really sorry Jessie! Although you were kinda expecting that, I know that the end of a relationship (either long or short) is always painful.
I hope you to be fine and whenever you need talk to us.

Take care!
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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Jessel » Sat Jun 05, 2010 6:16 am

Oh I'm very sorry Jessie... :cry:
I wish I can say anything to comfort you since I have no idea how it really feels like. I can only empathize. Things end for a reason, and most of the time it's for a really good one. I'm sure you shared a lot of love and happiness during that one year of being together and whenever you feel like it, just be thankful for the experience (as well as for each other) from afar. Be strong bud! I know you can get through it. xoJ

p.s. Whatever happens, don't you dare listen to Celine. Try Justin Beiber. :lol:
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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Empirejim » Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:13 pm

Well, I'm not a professional in this area but I can feel pain like anyone else. This situation could and will happen to others. A part of life, a part of our human nature, and that is to say, we always seem to confuss and complicate our lives with those of others. Sometimes, breaking up is a good thing because you become stronger and more mature. It is not always the best thing also. Each relationship is unique and each partner is special to the other. I guess, if love was truly not there for some reason, than people should part their ways. It may or may not hurt at the beginning but you will overcome. It was just not made to be. Somewhere out there, they say, there is a partner for each of us and only time, in it's long run will give you the signal and then you will know what to do. I hope you know and understand what I'm trying to say. For now, do be happy and see what the future brings.

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Danyy » Sat Jun 05, 2010 5:59 pm

I'm really sorry to hear about that Jessie!
You just have to think positive, remember the good times, keep only the happy memories and let go of the rest (like Sarah says in I Will Remember You) ;)
Things will work themselves out and if you two are meant to be together you will end up together eventually, and if not, the person you are truly meant to be with will end up coming along :D

P.S. If it helps, keep in mind that breaking up with you it's only his loss ;)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Crazylitstudent » Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:22 pm

I'm so sorry to hear to hear about this Jessie but I know you will bounce back stronger than ever! *hugs*

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by jessiemonkey » Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:35 pm

thanks everyone :) im doing okay. keeping positive thoughts! :D

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Quincy » Sat Jun 05, 2010 11:45 pm

Sorry to hear of your demise Jessie. I can't be of much help to you but what I can say is that when it happens you will know that the man with you is the one. I was lucky enough to find my perfect woman...OK NEARLY perfect, and we have been together now for 35 years and yes we have our little spats but I know that I'd miss her immensely if anything happened to her or our relationship. Keep at it and hopefully in 35 years time you'll be able to pass on the same advice. That's if this is advice??


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