random thoughts?

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Mon May 18, 2015 11:09 am

Islandflyer wrote:
Karine wrote:Hey guys! I'm finishing writing my first conference today and in 2 days, I'll fly to France, where I'll stay for a few days. I'll stay in Bordeaux (and I'll see my friends again!!), then take the train to Rennes and I'll finish my trip in Paris.

I'll be back at the end of the month, just in time for my 2nd conference. This one is not written yet, but the subject is taken from my thesis, so I'll be able to prepare it while I'm in France. I hope I'll have a nice time there, even if I have to work during my trip. :D
Have a great trip back to France, Karine. And you have to work some, otherwise people will think you're just another tourist! :lol:

Springtime in Paris. Sounds like a movie, doesn't it? :mrgreen: I'm sure you will have lots of fun.
Thanks Ed! The weather is nice and I'm happy to see my friends again. Today, it's a library day, because I have to work on my conference. :)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Islandflyer » Thu May 21, 2015 2:53 am

Is that the same library you posted a picture of last year, Karine?

Maybe you should change your signature panel back to "actually in France" while you're there, just for old time's sake. :lol:

Drink some good French wine for me. ;)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Sun May 24, 2015 1:05 pm

Hey! I'm in Paris, for the last days of my trip. The congress was great and everything went well with my conference :D
I'll take the plane on Thursday, to go back to Montreal. It was too quick! :)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:40 pm

Hi guys! I'm happy: my 2nd conference is done and it went very well :D
Now, I can relax because I have nothing to do: no correction, no course to prepare, no conference to write, nothing!
I sent my resume for the job last week and I'll know only at the end of next week/beginning of the following week (around June 15th) if my contract gets renewed. Until then, I will clean my apartment, listen to music, enjoy the weather by going outside a little bit, etc.
Isn't it a good program? ;)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Islandflyer » Wed Jun 03, 2015 2:42 am

Karine wrote:Hi guys! I'm happy: my 2nd conference is done and it went very well :D
Now, I can relax because I have nothing to do: no correction, no course to prepare, no conference to write, nothing!
I sent my resume for the job last week and I'll know only at the end of next week/beginning of the following week (around June 15th) if my contract gets renewed. Until then, I will clean my apartment, listen to music, enjoy the weather by going outside a little bit, etc.
Isn't it a good program? ;)
That's nice you can relax, Karine. Enjoy the weather, which I assume is very nice now? Meanwhile I'm slaving away at my workstation in my cubicle, 10 hours a day...good thing I have lots of music on my player to listen to. :D

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:59 pm

Islandflyer wrote:That's nice you can relax, Karine. Enjoy the weather, which I assume is very nice now? Meanwhile I'm slaving away at my workstation in my cubicle, 10 hours a day...good thing I have lots of music on my player to listen to. :D
Yes, I feel like all this last year was a marathon: moving from France, beginning the courses, preparing exams, writing my papers, etc.
My paper for the Rennes congress will be publish next year (the organizer told us that a book of all the conferences will be publish in 2016), but I don't want to start working on that for the moment. I'll work on this when I will receive the instructions for the page layout, text lenght, etc.
I am a little bit anxious about the job for 2015-2016, so doing some cleaning and going outside for outdoor activities will be perfect. I hope I'll get some good news about this next week. The owner of my apartment is very patient (and he opes that I will stay) ;)

Ed: at least you have some music to keep you company! Do you have holiday plans for the summer?

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Islandflyer » Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:17 am

Karine wrote:
Islandflyer wrote:That's nice you can relax, Karine. Enjoy the weather, which I assume is very nice now? Meanwhile I'm slaving away at my workstation in my cubicle, 10 hours a day...good thing I have lots of music on my player to listen to. :D
Yes, I feel like all this last year was a marathon: moving from France, beginning the courses, preparing exams, writing my papers, etc.
My paper for the Rennes congress will be publish next year (the organizer told us that a book of all the conferences will be publish in 2016), but I don't want to start working on that for the moment. I'll work on this when I will receive the instructions for the page layout, text lenght, etc.
I am a little bit anxious about the job for 2015-2016, so doing some cleaning and going outside for outdoor activities will be perfect. I hope I'll get some good news about this next week. The owner of my apartment is very patient (and he opes that I will stay) ;)

Ed: at least you have some music to keep you company! Do you have holiday plans for the summer?
Hope you can continue your teaching position, Karine. Good luck. We might make a trip to Arizona or Colorado in the next couple of months to look at properties there. I haven't been to Colorado in 20 years, and I am still waiting to see the Grand Canyon. :)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Sun Jun 07, 2015 1:36 am

Islandflyer wrote:Hope you can continue your teaching position, Karine. Good luck. We might make a trip to Arizona or Colorado in the next couple of months to look at properties there. I haven't been to Colorado in 20 years, and I am still waiting to see the Grand Canyon. :)
Yes, I hope that too!
I'd love to see the Grand Canyon one day, it's on my to-see list :)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:02 pm

Hey guys! I'm just saying a quick hello: my sister came to Ottawa and we're discovering the region (museums, outdoor activities, etc.).
Next week, we will leave for Montréal, so I can see my mother and friends.
Take care :)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Islandflyer » Sun Jul 12, 2015 7:47 pm

Have a good trip, Karine. Play tourist! :lol: Unplug and enjoy the scenery. :)

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