random thoughts?

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by livia » Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:57 am

Karine wrote:Yeah, I wonder if I'll feel like this... :?
For the moment, I'm going to be in my mom's house, well, it's my house too because that's where I was living before I left for France. However, I'm used to living alone now and I think that coming back with my mother will be tough. I see it with my sister: my mom asks her "What are you doing?" like 20 times a day and I know it will drive me crazy! :lol:

I won't be home all the time because I'm starting a new job in three weeks! :D I will be a part-time professor at the University of Ottawa :D
It's not a tenure track position, but I'm happy because I will teach two courses: one this fall and one in the winter. I'm trying to get another part-time job in a college, but I found nothing for the moment. I keep my fingers crossed because one part-time job isn't enough financially.
This fall, my schedule allows me to stay at home and I would be able to go to Ottawa twice a week. In the winter, I will have to find an apartment and stay there because I will teach early in the morning. In fall, I can take the bus from Montréal to Ottawa because I will teach at 2:30 pm and 4 pm, but in January, it'll be at 8:30 am and 10 am and there's no way I can be there in time. I'll try to find a nice small apartment, not too expensive, and if it's possible, maybe I'll rent it this fall too.

A while ago, I read articles written by psychologists, about coming back home after many years spent in another country. They were talking about depression and how hard it was to come back without any new project to keep you busy. I believe that with this new job, I will feel good ;)
hey, Karine!! Congrats four your new job!! :) I am now going crazy with my thesis coz my deadline is too short from now, and don´t know yet how much time I need to het it finish. but God knows my best for me :) btw, i miss all you guys from this forum :) :P

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Sun Aug 10, 2014 5:35 pm

livia wrote:hey, Karine!! Congrats four your new job!! :) I am now going crazy with my thesis coz my deadline is too short from now, and don´t know yet how much time I need to het it finish. but God knows my best for me :) btw, i miss all you guys from this forum :) :P
Thanks a lot Livia! :)
I hope everything will be fine for you. We miss you too, but I'm sure everyone knows what it's like to have an important deadline coming up, so we understand that you can't come here as often as you would like to. :)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Sun Aug 10, 2014 5:35 pm

livia wrote:hey, Karine!! Congrats four your new job!! :) I am now going crazy with my thesis coz my deadline is too short from now, and don´t know yet how much time I need to het it finish. but God knows my best for me :) btw, i miss all you guys from this forum :) :P
Thanks a lot Livia! :)
I hope everything will be fine for you. We miss you too, but I'm sure everyone knows what it's like to have an important deadline coming up, so we understand that you can't come here as often as you would like to. :)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Wed Aug 13, 2014 5:39 am

It's today! My friend is coming to take me at 10 am. I still can't believe that I'll be leaving France in a few hours.
I'll give you news as soon as I have one quiet moment at home ;)
Take care! :)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:19 am

Hi guys! I'm finally home! :D
The flight was great and they decided to put me in 1st class (even if I hadn't pay for it). So, I had a lot of space to move and I watched movies and had everything I wanted to drink and eat :)
It was hard to leave my friends: I was so sad and even now, if I think about it, it still makes me cry :(
At the Montréal airport, my mother and sister were waiting for me, with my uncle and his wife. I was really happy to see them. We drove back home, so I could leave my luggage there and we went to the restaurant with my uncle, my aunt and my cousins. It was fun but at the end, I was happy to go back home (9 pm in Montréal, it's like 3 am in France)!
Today, I was already feeling better: less tired (even if I'm going to bed right after I finish this text) and happy to start again here.
I'm glad to be back :)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Islandflyer » Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:40 am

Karine wrote:Hi guys! I'm finally home! :D
The flight was great and they decided to put me in 1st class (even if I hadn't pay for it). So, I had a lot of space to move and I watched movies and had everything I wanted to drink and eat :)
It was hard to leave my friends: I was so sad and even now, if I think about it, it still makes me cry :(
At the Montréal airport, my mother and sister were waiting for me, with my uncle and his wife. I was really happy to see them. We drove back home, so I could leave my luggage there and we went to the restaurant with my uncle, my aunt and my cousins. It was fun but at the end, I was happy to go back home (9 pm in Montréal, it's like 3 am in France)!
Today, I was already feeling better: less tired (even if I'm going to bed right after I finish this text) and happy to start again here.
I'm glad to be back :)
Hey, Karine Welcome back! :)

That's great that you didn't have to endure the cramped seats in coach for a long flight. A friend just returned from vacation in Europe and stayed up all night to readjust from the jet lag. Maybe you should do that tomorrow. ;)

See any good movies on the plane?

You're only 3 hours from the West Coast now, so maybe we can chat sometime. :)

Sleep well. zzzzzzzzzz

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Fri Aug 15, 2014 10:21 am

Islandflyer wrote:Hey, Karine Welcome back! :)

That's great that you didn't have to endure the cramped seats in coach for a long flight. A friend just returned from vacation in Europe and stayed up all night to readjust from the jet lag. Maybe you should do that tomorrow. ;)

See any good movies on the plane?

You're only 3 hours from the West Coast now, so maybe we can chat sometime. :)

Sleep well. zzzzzzzzzz
Thanks! :)
I still have a few effects from the jet lag: I'm awake since 5:30 am :roll: ! I guess it'll take me one or two more days to be okay. In the plane, I watched the new Veronica Mars movie (it was good, even if I had never watched the tv show) and the last Hunger Games movie (again, hadn't seen the 1st one before).
Now, I have a lot of things to do before I leave for Ottawa on Monday morning (this time for a week): there are clothes everywhere, I have to prepare the syllabus for my course, get myself a new bus-metro card... and more! :)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:58 pm

Hey guys! It's my last day in Ottawa (for this week) as I'm going back to Montréal tomorrow morning. What a beautiful city it is! I had never been here before :)
We had a few workshops about teaching, using tools for our courses, etc. It was great and I met a lot of new teachers there (sadly, nobody from the French department).
It's pretty quiet in Sarah-land these days, but I guess when she'll be on tour again, it will change. :)
Take care!

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by CarolCiola » Thu Aug 21, 2014 11:49 pm

Good to hear it, Karine :) I'd like to know this city one day, too!

It's always good to stay in touch with other people from our field, we can share knowledges and experiences..!

How's the things going in Montréal? Did you had a welcome party when you arrived :P

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by TheSquirrel » Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:20 pm

I am always reminded of the Love album title "Forever Changes." It's hard to move on and leave people behind or see them leave you behind. As you get older, it happens more and doesn't get any easier. Hopefully Karine, you're left with some lovely memories and will get to see your friends back in France again. You write some great posts, and come over as a truly nice person (as do most Sarah McLachlan fans). Good luck with your new life.

Despite my ever present cynicism, anger, and bitterness, I have met some great people who have left me with some wonderful memories. As one poker commentator remarked "life is the greatest freeroll of all."
I'm an opinionated old tosser and proud of it.

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