random thoughts?

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Jessel » Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:07 am

TheSquirrel wrote:I suppose I have to accept she is now a past artist...
Inasmuch as I hate to say it, I gotta agree with you on that Squirrel. These days, Sarah is someone I remember with fondness - like an old friend you once had a blast hanging out with in college and haven't seen/talked to in like a decade or so. She has written some of the best 5-minute miracles I've ever heard in my entire life and I'll always be grateful for that. I still listen to her music once in a while, it's just that I'm no longer as crazy about her like I used to be.

I'm so out of touch with the music scene right and I have no idea what's "hip" these days (I mostly stick to Broadway musicals atm lol). I've heard some stuff by The Pierces, La Roux, Adele, etc. and some are good but still, not in Sarah's league. Maybe it has something to do with my age but it's no longer that easy for me to make a connection with music at this stage.

Anyway, nice to know some of you are still around such as Squirrel, Ben, Karine, Empirejim, Ellie and the rest; though I'm missing others like Miguel (whatever happened to him? he used to be the biggest Sarah fan ever lol). Hope y'all stick around! Who knows, maybe a new album is coming out anytime soon. :D
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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Empirejim » Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:41 am

Tears come to my eyes when I think how true the meaning of your very words. I always want Sarah to be present in all good things but the fact of the matter is, she will not be there FOREVER. We love her as if she was a member of our own family and maybe that is the key to all our emotions about Sarah. I love her music and when she is in concert not to far away, I go period, whatever the cost and whenever the time. I am a true fan as all of you are too. Sure, I miss talking with all of you as some of you will move along and do other things but what we had, when we had it, was all good in the end.Jessel, when you want to talk, we listen and some of us will be there to the end. I know I will be for sure. So you have a nice day or even night and our ears stay tuned to whatever brings your heart to this site. And for everyone else out there, have a great summer and be safe, :D

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Empirejim » Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:01 pm

It is always nice to wake up to a new day. I guess, it's nice to wake up period. When I do, I have these photos of Sarah right in front of me. A good inspiration, to say the least. :D

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by TheSquirrel » Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:07 pm

I have none of that fan "love" for Sarah in the same way most of you do, in fact I find her mostly irritating nowadays. That probably stems from the legal cease and desist letter Blackened Sky received. However I still love the music. Her music will probably always be my favourite, in the same way the ten times I saw her live will always be my favourite concerts out of over a thousand I have been to, in 38 years of concert going.

I do still get thrilled by new stuff in the same way John Peel used to. Kate Miller Heidke just turned out my favourite album of the year. Along with The Pierces these are my faovurite two albums for many years. There's also Emile Sande, and Lana Del Ray, which were total surprises. If not for my partner I wouldn't have even listened to the last two. This is part of the problem . As you get older the danger is you tune out of the new stuff because you feel isolated from that hip young thing. But there's some great music out there still. I try to be open and listen, but it gets harder as I get older. This is why online has been so good. Instead of having powerful corporations dictate what I listen to, I can go to You Tube and listen to obscure artists. Quite a few of them have been recommended here.
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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:58 am

I think I'm younger than you, but I understand what you mean, about the "hip young" music. I'm not sure that it's only about getting isolated from it, but it's also because you don't think anymore like people who are 18-20 years old. Your tastes evolve as you get older and it's okay.
I remember reading an article from a journalist who wrote that he enjoys Adele's music, but as a 60 years old man, he could not relate to a 21 years old girl singing "You make me feel like I'm young again". Maybe it's all a matter of point of vew.

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Karine » Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:46 am

I'm back in Bordeaux, I like this city!

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by TheSquirrel » Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:45 pm

Karine wrote:I think I'm younger than you, but I understand what you mean, about the "hip young" music. I'm not sure that it's only about getting isolated from it, but it's also because you don't think anymore like people who are 18-20 years old. Your tastes evolve as you get older and it's okay.
I remember reading an article from a journalist who wrote that he enjoys Adele's music, but as a 60 years old man, he could not relate to a 21 years old girl singing "You make me feel like I'm young again". Maybe it's all a matter of point of vew.
Yes, well said. Maybe this is what has happend to Sarah McLachlan fans both on here and the previous forum, except I think her music appeals across all ages. It appears a number of members have moved on, or are very dormant. Maybe some of her fans have different taste now, or maybe it's her lack of activity, and they'll all be back when a new album is released. I accept I am a borderline troll, who sometimes goes too far, but find irony in being one of the few fans left on this site.

A big thanks for keeping the place going Ellie. My message to any fans of McLachlan and this forum is use it or lose it. Even though the main artist is not producing, there are plenty of others out there doing it right. I like to hear about new artists, and this forum can keep going on the eclectic tastes of MacLachlan fans. I hope this forum keeps up and running.
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Re: random thoughts?

Post by jessiemonkey » Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:35 pm

i cant wait for the fall season, i love it! :D

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Crazylitstudent » Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:48 pm

Finished my MA! The dissertation was a lot of work but I really enjoyed writing it. Fingers crossed that I will have the grades to do a PHD! :)

Of course this time last year I was somewhere in between Toronto and Kingston.... Best Holiday Ever!!! ;)

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Re: random thoughts?

Post by Jessel » Tue Sep 11, 2012 9:07 am

Empirejim wrote:Tears come to my eyes when I think how true the meaning of your very words. I always want Sarah to be present in all good things but the fact of the matter is, she will not be there FOREVER.
That's very touching. :)

I'm quite sure I will never forget Sarah esp. when her music was with me for most of my teenage/adult life. I always revisit her albums once in a while, particularly during summer when I'm on vacation for a few days or so. Nothing beats a simple walk in the park while listening to songs like Temptation, Forever Someday, and Here Lies My Heart and she'll always be the quintessential singer-songwriter of the '90s for me. Sarah will always be as much a part of me as ice cream, Kate Bush, sunny side-ups, and Sondheim. :)
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