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The Laws of Illusion (New Album)

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:55 pm
by Karine
I just saw the title of the album on Facebook and on the Sony website:

The Laws Of Illusion
Available: June 15, 2010
:D :D

You can pre-order it now and have access to Lilith Fair tickets. ... es/5469189

What do you think about this title??

I think "New Album" can now be called "The Laws of Illusion"!

Re: Laws of Illusions

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:03 pm
by jessiemonkey
i just got this info on twitter!!!

im so excited!!! :D :D

i kind of like the title :)

Re: Laws of Illusions

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:26 pm
by ecstasythrumusic
So do I. Sarah has been playing coy. She knew her album was coming out and fibbed. Its all good though because the Goddess is back.

Re: Laws of Illusions

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:21 pm
by biancadantas
YAY!!!! :lol: :lol:
I'm so happy now! And so disappointed the pre-order is not available in Brazil (It's a shame this country tries to sell its image as a developed country and many culture-related resources are not available, as iTunes music store for example....). I'll really need some help from the boards when the songs are available before I get my copy that I'll order as soon as it's on pre-order for Brazil (pobably on Amazon).

Re: Laws of Illusions

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:14 pm
by Miguel
I just pre-ordered it, didn't care for the price as long as it has been paid for and I get it in the mail on the day it comes out! :mrgreen:

Re: The Laws of Illusion (New Album)

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:52 pm
by afterglow_murmurs
How very exciting! I checked my e-mail this morning, and there it was waiting for me, the e-mail announcing Sarah's new album! What a great way to start the day. :) It's still hard to believe that it's been SEVEN years since "Afterglow." It'll be so nice to have new Sarah material!

Re: The Laws of Illusion (New Album)

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:36 pm
by mjc1987
I really like the title, I think it's talking about all the bad stuff that has happened with her splitting with Ash, the illusion that she was happy with him and maybe and the realization that she may never find true love again? I don't know... all very dark and depressing but I do think (and hope) that the album will darker than Afterglow, which was just too safe for me.

Royally annoyed, however, that I can't pre order the album as I live in the UK! Also, bit off the topic but when I was looking at the revamped Lilith site with all the cities, London wasn't on there... I thought it was confirmed?!

Re: The Laws of Illusion (New Album)

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:49 pm
by TheSquirrel
I really like the news there is going to be a new album. I wanted to see her on a solo tour and am not the slightest bit interested in Lilith, but maybe I will get the chance to see her in a year or two on a solo tour, in the UK, otherwise Canada. Always wanted to go there and have been saving since the end of the last tour.

I really really hope the album is not going to be too much about the split with Ash. She really needs to be quiet about that and do what she did before. Let things lie around for a few years before dealing with them. As I have posted elsewhere, she spent ages on the last tour telling everyone before she played "Push" how bad she had been to Ash. She talked about how she had been shitty, and tempremental, and on one or two occasions spoke about how she virtually lost her mind. She said she wrote that song to make up for all of that. She wrote it for that saint of a man who was the most wonderful husband and human being out there. The man who took all of her worst and came up smiling. A total rock. Anyone else would have left her. Every night she went on about this. Frankly, she is going to look a little silly, if she now writes songs about the split. She just needs to keep quiet and focus on other things before IMO, she does make herself look rather silly. Ash has kept a dignified silence. I hope she does too.

I hope the album is being brought out with the best of intent and is not a chance to take a swing at Ash. It probably wont be, and I am just being negative. (Okay admittedly that is my natural state). After all, I have been totally wrong about there being a new album. I personally think she is better at writing songs about other people, and other things, from a distance, and writing about herself from a distance of some time. (Possession is my favourite song so there goes that theory, but I am generalising again)

I still like her art, so I hope I get to see her live again. I am starting to doubt that I will. Maybe the money saved will go towards Kerrville or some James McMurtry dates in Texas. But the big event for me is still Sarah McLachlan live. 1000 gigs plus in my life and the 10 times I have seen her are still the greatest memories of my 37 years going to gigs and concerts. I have to remind myself constantly that I really do like her music, because there has been some stuff in the wilderness years that she or her management have done, that really annoys, bores, or irritates me. I do not necessarily respect her as a person, but that doesn't matter. I do respect her as my favourite artist of all time.

Re: The Laws of Illusion (New Album)

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:19 am
by Jessel
I like the title! I can sense that Sarah has mellowed a lot since Afterglow. I just can't wait to hear it! :D

Re: The Laws of Illusion (New Album)

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:48 am
by TheSquirrel
I love the title too. It's a brilliant name for an album.

Have just had a small rethink on the previous post. Okay, I do hope she stays away from the Ash split thing, but maybe the split will inspire her to create great art. Look at it this way. Solace was produced when she was miserable, FTE was produced when she was really miserable, Afterglow was produced when she was happy. Hmmm. See what I'm getting at?

Just like to say I'm not one of the Afterglow haters. I don't like it as muh as her other efforts, but even so it's still in my top ten albums of all time. I adore unrated (by fans) tracks like Time and Trainwreck. Incidentally I found the live version of Trainwreck to be one of the highlights of the last tour. I love most of the tracks on that album, but to me it's just relatively weaker than my favourite two Mclachlans. To tell you the truth, I would be happy with an album as good as Afterglow. I'm certainly not expecting anything better.