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Stage show / opera version Angel

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 1:25 am
by Sweetfear
I dont really want to say much about this one...what do YOU guys think about it?

Re: Stage show / opera version Angel

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 1:38 am
by Blackangel12868
Oh goodness. Why?

Let me start by saying that i enjoy opera. I listen to classical music all the time and know what it takes to be a decent vocalist. I'm not really very fond of this womans voice, but i can tell that if she were singing some Puccini, it would be fine. I'm going to get all singery now, but her breath support was awful. She was breathing in places that were just ridiculous. "In your silent *GASP* reverie". Really? Come now. I also had no idea what was going on. I could see Angel being used in a contemporary dance piece or something, but this was too strange for me. Too add to my irritation, she got the words wrong, or changed them. I don't know what's worse... I did not like that at all.

Re: Stage show / opera version Angel

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:14 am
by Sweetfear
I m an opera fan myself. I like Katherine Jenkins , she is really popular in the Uk although she is obviously not the best singer out there. Although she is a mezzo she would always struggle even with songs like "Habanera", her breathing aint all that good but honestly in the cds she sounds really good and her music is very pleasant. She did an amazing cover of Bring me to life which is honestly beyond words!! Angel lord sounds rubbish !
I m not comparing Sarah to Jenkins but honestly , all i can see is a pretty lady singing in her bed ! No emotion no nothing , plus the music doesnt really suit the song. Dont even let me start about the choir....... overall i m only glad Sarah's music is becoming an inspiration for many artists.

Re: Stage show / opera version Angel

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:29 am
by Jessel
This performance is more akin to a musical than an opera. I have a soft spot for Katherine Jenkins but I don't really consider her an operatic singer, just a crossover act like Josh Groban and Sarah Brightman. I think she has done quite a decent job overall, though I agree that its not really an emotional rendition. No this is not exceptional but this is absolute bliss compared to her performance of Time To Say Goodbye lol! :lol:

Re: Stage show / opera version Angel

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:47 am
by Crazylitstudent
While I don't like this live performance I do have to say the recorded version she did for one of her albums is quite pretty! Personally I prefer Hayley Westena in terms of popluar opera singers. She has a much nicer voice in my opinion and I would love to hear her tackle a Sarah song. Not Angel though as that one has been done to death in terms of covers.

Re: Stage show / opera version Angel

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:30 am
by Karine
If only Sarah could do acrobatics like her! ;)