Archive for the ‘Media’ Category

Sarah’s Birthday


Saturday, January 28th, 2012

From Sarah’s Facebook:

Thank you so much everyone so much for my birthday wishes. Celebrating with friends in beautiful Vancouver and wishing each of you a wonderful weekend!

Sarah school of music, and much more


Sunday, November 20th, 2011

I’m so sorry this took so long – I’ve been far too busy and besides the Sarah school of music update there aren’t any big updates. Sarah is still writing for the new album, as a few small updates on her Facebook reveal:

I’ve been writing with a few different people and am going in this week with my dear friend and past producer Pierre to write…am excited! ox S
School of music open, back to writing for my new album xo, Sarah

The Sarah school of music officially had its opening and you can watch videos about it right here and here! The official website looks amazing, by the way…And for the people who want pictures, here is the gallery:

Besides that, there are alot of charity updates: a new ASPCA commercial featuring Sarah, a prize pack contest and Sarah will perform at an Autism Speaks fundraiser. Read more about that one right here. The smaller charity stuff (autgraphed items up for auction for example) can be found on the charity pages of this website.

Last: listen to Sarah’s full concert at the Massey Hall on March 17 right here!

Sarah receives degree of Doctor of Fine Arts


Saturday, June 18th, 2011

Sarah received the degree of Doctor of Fine Arts from the Simon Fraser University on June 15th! From Sarah’s Facebook:

Humbled and honoured to receive

Check here the gallery:

Watch here a video of Sarah’s performance (she played World On Fire and Angel)

And watch here her comments on receiving the degree.

Small updates


Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

Since the Alberta ballet there isn’t much going on in Sarahland, but K posted this article yesterday on the forum:

Sarah McLachlan on the Devastating Divorce That Nearly Ended Her Career

Her facebook also mentioned that she will appear on South Park, on the episode called “Crack Baby Athletic Association”. It’ll be a SPCA commercial parody.

Don’t forget: over two weeks Sarah will appear on the 2011 Telluride Bluegrass Lineup!