Archive for the ‘Gallery’ Category

Possible Shine On cover?!


Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

This just in, as Karine found it, from makeup artist Johnny Bellas’ Twitter account:

Guess who

Now do you know ?

The instagram links go straight up to… the photoshoot Sarah mentioned earlier for the Shine On cover!

Pictures from Surfers Healing Benefit!


Tuesday, January 21st, 2014

I found these, sadly with an article you can online read when you sign up…

Pics & article CP Holiday Train


Sunday, December 8th, 2013

This article gives a good summary of all that happened yesterday at the CP Holiday Train. And it also has some photos of Sarah performing there! They’ll be up in the gallery asap.

Sarah receives World Service Medal


Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

Sarah was awarded last Saturday with the Kiwanis International World Service Medal! She received it for her dedication to music education (School Of Music). Read more about it here and here. She also performed two songs on this venue. Pictures are right up here: