Archive for the ‘Gallery’ Category

Laval performance: videos and pictures!


Saturday, June 30th, 2012

Some media stuff is up from Sarah’s performance at the Centre de la Nature in Laval!


Building A Mystery
World On Fire
U Want Me 2
Sweet Surrender
Good Enough

Aaaand, pretty pictures:

Facebook updates


Saturday, May 26th, 2012

Sarah posted some small things on her Facebook, like pictures of her during the Rick Hansen Foundation relay in Vancouver:

And a picture of her during the Rick Hansen Foundation event (she played Ordinary Miracle):

Aaaaaaaaand, she posted this:

Today is International Missing Children’s Day and I have donated my Twitter account to send out instant alerts when a child goes missing in my area. They only use the account for a few alerts each year but it is a wonderful way to instantly communicate and help to bring children home safely. xo

Juno Awards


Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

Thanks to my lovely forummembers, here’s some Juno Awards stuff! Here below is the performance of Blue Rodeo with Sarah, which you can download right here.

And of course, check the gallery right here:

Charity work, doodles for wildlife


Thursday, March 1st, 2012

Karine just posted this on the forum: doodles Sarah made for Wildlife, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois. I placed them in the gallery under charity, here are the links:

2010 / 2011 / 2012