Archive for the ‘Gallery’ Category

More media for Find Your Voice


Sunday, December 2nd, 2012

Here’s an article, where you can read about the making of the video for Find Your Voice (with pretty pictures of course!). I placed all the pictures in the gallery right here:

Sarah also thanked the fans for sharing the video on Facebook:

Media from the American Christmas Carol


Sunday, December 2nd, 2012

Thanks to K, here’s the gallery for The American Christmas Carol (performance was last friday):

Here is a video on YouTube where Sarah performs with all the other artists O Holy Night:

Hope rising, pictures!


Saturday, November 17th, 2012

Here is the gallery for Sarah’s performance at Hope Rising:

Since I’m mentioning the gallery, here are some updated/new added folders in the gallery (thanks to K):

Bridge School Benefit: Bootleg & Gallery!


Monday, October 29th, 2012

Annnnd, we have a bootleg of the Bridge School Benefit! Click right here:

Also, we have this pretty gallery of the whole performance (though most of the pics have the GettyImages watermark, you can still enjoy them..) so check right here: