Juno Awards overview
April 3rd, 2017
Sarah did an amazing speech when she was inducted in the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, she performed World On Fire with Luke Doucet and Melissa McClelland, and “Summer of 69” with all performing artists at the end of the show. She also got the Juno Award for “Wonderland” (YEY), which she received Saturday.
I got here an overview of all Sarah-Juno Award media, so first off the updated gallery (not yet with her accepting the Juno Award for Wonderland the night before):

Here are some videos:
Plus article right here!
Video from the media room:
And on the red carpet:
full World On Fire performance, and here is another interview on the red carpet. All videos will be online later in the media section for download 😉
As for articles, click below.
Leonard Cohen, Gord Downie and Sarah McLachlan dominate 2017 Juno Awards
Sarah McLachlan, Grimes, and Bria Skonberg among those who win Junos in advance of TV broadcast
Winners List: First 34 Juno Awards handed out at Saturday gala
Here’s another long article regarding Sarah’s career and here are 10 things you didn’t know about Sarah (but we actually did!).
Posted by: Ellen | Categories: Articles, Gallery, Media, Multimedia, Tour/shows, Wonderland 2016 | Comments Off on Juno Awards overview
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