Archive for 2016

Interview on EDGE Radio


Thursday, July 28th, 2016

Sarah did an interview with EDGE Radio yesterday, talking about her shows with Josh and the Christmas album. Apparently we’re not getting original songs, but classic and older Christmas songs! You can listen to it here:

Here’s the related article!

EDGE Radio: So, you obviously have a lot going on with the Sarah McLachlan School of Music, and school for your daughter, how do you find the balance between writing music, and all of that?

McLachlan: I have a lot of help. Any moment I have to steal away 15 minutes I do. I can get a lot done in 15 minutes. I try to go for a hike every morning, which is blissful, good for my soul, and good for my body. And, that’s when I write. I carry my phone with me and dictate lyrics to my phone. I must look like a crazy person walking out in nature talking into my phone.

Media from first show with Josh Groban!


Saturday, July 16th, 2016

I don’t have a full setlist just yet, but videos/tweets suggests that Sarah played both Angel with Josh Groban as well as a Snow Patrol cover, “Run”. Watch below a short clip of that cover!

A few photos are up (on Twitter) but I’m sure more will pop up later this week!

Listen to the new song ‘The Long Goodbye’!


Wednesday, June 29th, 2016

Thanks to Karine and her sister – who attended the Jazz Festival show in Ottawa – we’ve got a live version of the new song ‘The Long Goodbye’. Listen to it below & enjoy! What do you think of the new song?

And girls – thanks again for recording, uploading & sharing!

25 years of Solace, 10 years of Solaced


Tuesday, June 28th, 2016

Because I’m such a bad webmiss, I totally forgot about Solaced’s birthday this month (03 June). The site is this month currently online for 10 years, we made it through PHP errors and all those layout changes! To make it up a little, I thought we should both celebrate 10 years of Solaced, as well as 25 years of Solace – as 25 years ago Solace was released.

As it’s one of my fave albums and the site thanks its name to the album, I couldn’t resist:

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of my lovely forummembers and the hard core of Sarah fans that keep on providing me with news, updates, tour stuff, lovely pictures, and fans that have sent me backstage pictures/meet and greet stuff so I can make this site as fan-based as possible. This site wouldn’t be running at all without you 🙂 A big thank you to all of the bootleggers and bootleg-sharing-friendly-fanbase that both keep my archive complete and provide me with detailed information on shows (past & present). And of course, a big thank you to all of my visitors – here’s to another 10 years of Solaced!
