Charity work
April 10th, 2011
Sarah attended the FoodBank4NYC’s ninth annual Can-Do awards dinner! Read more about it here (and pictures!) and check all the pictures in the gallery:

Also, Sarah’s video for World On Fire and Adia were part of a study…
Study participants were shown a music video by Canadian artist Sarah McLachlan, in which it’s described that all but $15 of the $150,000 budget for a video was donated to various international charities.
A second group was shown McLachlan’s Adia video, which pictured her singing in front of various cityscapes — a pleasing, yet not uncommonly good act.
Read the rest here!!
Here are some gallery updates as well: 27-03-11 Junos Awards, 12-03-11 Rehearsal Alberta Ballet and 10-03-11 Canadian Music & Broadcast Industry Awards.
Posted by: Ellen | Categories: Charity, Gallery | Comments Off on Charity work
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