Forgiveness Postcard Contest
August 12th, 2010
Found on Sarah’s official site: the Forgiveness Postcard contest!

What do you forgive? Who do you forgive? Have you asked for Forgiveness?
Introducing the Sarah McLachlan Forgiveness Contest, inspired by PostSecret and new album track, “Forgiveness.” Tell us who you forgive, what you forgive, or why you forgive and you could win an autographed Laws Of Illusion CD, hooded Lilith jacket designed by Sarah, and 2 backstage passes to any Sarah McLachlan show in 2010 or 2011.
Date: August 11th – September 8th
To read the full details about the contest and more information, click here!
Posted by: Ellen | Categories: Laws of Illusion, Media | Comments (1)
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Notice anything neat from this full house final episode at 2:26 to 2:31?? Caught me by surprise!